Wellington Square Watch:

„für gemäßigten Fortschritt in den Schranken der Gesetze und Universitätsatzungen bzw. -ordnungen.“

Wellington Square Watch is a bureaucratic watchdog in the University of Oxford. It seeks to promote, through lawful means in the fullest conformity with the statutes and regulations of the university—

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We are currently focused on opposing Council’s proposed amendments to the university’s Statutes. We argue that they are so badly drafted that they would, if strictly enforced—

Sounds implausible? We agreed, until we read the amendments for ourselves: see our report.

Updates and statements.

11 June 2024 · Council concedes temporary defeat but is still in denial.

10 June 2024 · Oriel’s Junior Common Room denounces proctors’ charter of disciplinary amendments, backs Wellington Square Watch.

9 June 2024 · Wellington Square Watch announces findings of analysis of proposed disciplinary amendments.